Louise Pim
I was born in London on 23rd March, 1952.
My influences have been Raphael, Constable, Samuel Palmer, Rembrandt, The French Impressionists, The Expressionists, The Abstract Expressionists, The Northern Romantics, Paul Klee, Kandinsky, Kathe Kollwitz, Chinese and Japanese artists. I also love the daring and free spirit of Marcel Duchamp.
In 1976 I found myself in a very difficult place and I didn't know if I would be able to come through it. So I thought it would be an interesting long-term project to see how my images might change and reflect the different stages I went through and where I was led.
My work has been both representational and abstract. Some earlier works are of street scenes. One black and white Etching, "Uphill -Downhill", was made in the Edinburgh Printmakers Workshop and later, a Linocut, "Towards Light", shows a solitary figure walking up a darkened street towards the very strong, bright sunlight.
There are also pathways through woods in a narrow, oblong format, with some printed in monochrome green.
One entitled "Descending" was inspired by a walk down to The Water of Leith in Edinburgh's Dean Village, and it was printed at the New Crane Printmaking Studio in Wapping. Another Etching, "Going Home", was inspired by seeing my father walking ahead of me along a path in a wood in Dorset when I knew that he probably wouldn't be with us for much longer.
Whilst my early paintings were very colourful, there are many images in black and white during the late 1970's to the later 1990's with more colourful work being produced after that time - strangely, not long after 9/11. Some of these were small landscapes, and flowers which include a trio of Sunflowers in Pastel.
From 2004-2007 I went through a very deep depression after which I made a few Etchings in black and white at the Oxford Printmakers, my final one being a mountainscape, entitled "The Journey" - and so it continues! ................ although I no longer feel that printmaking is the right medium for me and want to concentrate more on painting again as my garden is a constant source of inspiration to me now.